Katy Kessler

Katy Kessler graduated summa cum laude from West Virginia University in December of 2023 with a BA in English and a BA in philosophy. Throughout her undergraduate studies, she developed an interest in postmodern fiction. This led her to write her English capstone thesis about Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves, through which she developed a hopeful take on the postmodern life so often viewed as a plague on contemporary times. Her goal in graduate school is to study further the postmodern view on identity formation, combining both English and philosophy while continuing to illuminate the hope that can be found in contemporary literature. 

After graduating from WVU, Katy worked as an intern at a public library in New Castle, PA, where she helped with renovations that ultimately made the library a more suitable place for children and people with disabilities. She recently accepted a new remote internship where she will be managing the library’s social media pages. When she isn’t working, Katy spends her time hiking through the woods, reading on the couch, or writing fiction in her room. She also enjoys cooking for her family.